Welcome to Jaipur city

Hello friends

as we all know about jaipur what a beautiful city it is.A place in INDIA specially known for its historical monuments.please share with us what you think about jaipur.Your experience of jaipur if you visited to jaipur.This blog is all about jaipur please visit regularly to see what's new happening in jaipur.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

BE PREPARED before U visit

Jaipur is known for its culture,heritage,monuments etc list is so big that i can't mention it here.Tourist visits Jaipur to get the knowledge about its culture (all such stuffs),to know more about this city but due to lack of guidance they don't get the true and whole information about this city.
Those who have visited Jaipur,they know getting information about Jaipur is not so simple.You can see the place but how to get the history,knowledge about that particular place.
History of this city is very long and common people doesn't know that even some tourist guide don't know some basic knowledge or they tell you very little about that.
Now you will be thinking why to visit Jaipur when you don't get proper knowledge about the city.but wait...
If you are planning to visit Jaipur don't change your mind i have a good information for you now you don't need to face such problems any more.
keeping in mind the interest of visitors government of Jaipur has planned to introduce Jaipur in a new form .Jaipur has become wifi (internet through air)enabled city.
Now visitors need not to carry any guiding instrument with them or they need not to purchase any data card etc.you can now access any information about this city very easily and that too by your laptop,just by your laptop.Through this technology any tourist can get knowledge about the place,road map,rooms for rent etc they want to search.
For ex-If you want to know about jaigarh fort(a fort in Jaipur)you just open your laptop search the query you want to know .you can get whole information .isn't that simple
Language barrier is not a problem now.
This is a major step in city like Jaipur and all the tourist who are coming or want to come to Jaipur just chill be your own guide you don't need to hire any guide any more.this is a good thing for you so be prepared when you visit to the Jaipur just bring your laptop .
I will bring some more interesting information like this for you next time till then
and feel free to ask any thing about Jaipur i am always there for you
thanking you


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