Welcome to Jaipur city

Hello friends

as we all know about jaipur what a beautiful city it is.A place in INDIA specially known for its historical monuments.please share with us what you think about jaipur.Your experience of jaipur if you visited to jaipur.This blog is all about jaipur please visit regularly to see what's new happening in jaipur.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Increasing Real estate price.

Increasing rate of properties in Jaipur

Hello friends

we are living in jaipur from long time and as the real estate price is hicking this is just unimaginable.
As IT/ITES comapany are coming in jaipur it is grawing property rates even higher speed.And with the increasing property rated,tourists are coming to jaipur with the intrest of buying property.Actually we have a americam customer who have baught some plots in jaipur and his demands is increasing .If we see it from future point of view jaipur will going to be very costly city.Well i can't say it exiting thing for me but it is good for foreign investor and visitor as they can buy properties in jaipur.

There are very known dealer in jaipur but you can't trust anyone.Well you can know more about jaipur property by contacting us.


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