Welcome to Jaipur city

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as we all know about jaipur what a beautiful city it is.A place in INDIA specially known for its historical monuments.please share with us what you think about jaipur.Your experience of jaipur if you visited to jaipur.This blog is all about jaipur please visit regularly to see what's new happening in jaipur.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jantar manter in heritage site

Jantar Manter in world heritage site.

Jaipur and some indian cities has always attracted tourist.Some cities has entered in world heritage site but jaipur is still in a line and waiting for its time.But as UNESCO and ASI visited to jaipur it seems that now jaipur could be in world heritage site.

Two days before officers from Unesco and ASI visited to Jaipur's Jantar Manter and asked its historical records.

Everyone is hoping that unesco will add jantar manter's name in the list .The indian conductor from unesco said that to qualifiying a monument for the list of world heritage site must have some past historical value.

So by considering this 200 years old jantar mantar posses a special place .And it is more accurate than all other 4 jantar manter in the country.

Whatever this is a deal of unesco now,what to do with this.But i am happy that my city is going popular day by day.


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